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Related article: Alfred Shaw told me that when Bowden went in first against 1999-] Haldol Price THE ** KNOCK-OUT BLOW AT SCHOOLS. "5 Notts, one of the players said: '* Don*t bowl him first ball, Alfred, he is a boy at school," and I gave him two balls off the wicket. But he added, *^ never again^ for in spite of my trying every effort to get his wicket, he was fairly my master, and got 40 runs as well as any man in England ever did." Now for boxing at school. In days gone by *' boxing " and *• fighting " were kept utterly distinct. Though it seems almost impossible to think of, as regards myself, it is a quarter of a century ago, within a few months, since, at the suggestion of the late Mr. Grinston, I wrote in the Green Cover " Tom Spring's Back Parlour " ; and without any wish to repeat myself, I must refer to what 1 said then, which is, that boxing was simply the "grammar" of self-defence ; and, although carefully avoiding the society of flash boxing men, I had the opportunity of coming across and knowing wcll^ the masters of the old school. Such men as Tom Cribb. Spring, Jem Ward, Peter Crawley — all ex-champions, and many others, and of seeing the boxing Generic Name For Haldol benefits of the best men who were then in, or Haldol 0.5 Mg had recently left the Prize Ring, in 1842 on- wards. Boxing was the <' noble art of self-defence " conducted most scientifically, and without rough punishment. It was as beau- tiful a science as fencing, and the opponents were as quick as lightning, when they found an opening ; but at the finish of the blow they stopped their hand on landing. The recipient of the blow pointed to the spot and nodded, as much as to say — ** he scored there." If he did not do to, there was Haldol Generic a howl of shame from the spectators who clamoured for fair play. Three rounds was the regular allowance, the final being Haldol Iv Push a " bustle up." An occa- sional bloody nose or black eye in the final was "part of the game." Boxing was our only amuse- ment in the winter before the days of Saturday half-holidays, cheap locomotion and the number- less winter sports of to-day. Very many young fellows in London belonged to private box- ing clubs, and " * Brown ' or * John- son * at home Saturday evenings from 8 till 1 1 — boxing and oy- sters," was a common invitation. I know nothing of the modern school of glove fighters, beyond what I learn from the sensation writing about them. Some eight years ago I went for a whole week to Ben Hyam*s entertain- ment at the Agricultural Hall, and sat at the Corner of the Ring from 8 till 11 on six successive evenings. The contests were for all weights, each pair to fight three rounds, and four rounds in the final for those who stood the trial contests. It was admirably conducted. The band of the Guards was there. The ring was on a raised platform, and strict order was kept. There was a certain Sam Baxter of a celebrated boxing family who beat all the 1 1 -stone men, and met all the heavy weights also, and came out Haldol 10 Mg champion of all weights. His last opponent was White, who was formerly an amateur, a much bigger man than Baxter; and speaking from memory, I believe I am accurately quoting the Sportsman, Haldol Cost who said ** that White had the best Haldol 50 Mg of the first two Haldol Online rounds, but in the final two rounds Baxter painted White with his own gore" from his neck to his waistband. These contests were for professionals only, for money prizes, and were practically glove fights for short rounds. 1x6 DAILY S MAGAZINE. [Feb&uakt The absurdity of the present law is patent. Boxing contests must not be *' to a finish/' but may consist of twenty rounds of three minutes' each. How many ever reach twenty rounds, I Order Haldol wonder ? Anyhow, the fact is that the com- batants now cultivate the '* knock- out" blow, which has been dis- covered by surgical science to consist of a crushing blow on the point of the jaw which will para- lyse a man almost for a certainty for over ten seconds, the time allowed for a man who is knocked down to regain his feet. If fellows at school Buy Haldol quarrel and want to fight, by all means let them do so with nature's weapons. These fights are generally very soon over, but it is not the pro- vince of gentlemen's sons at school to study and ** nurse up " a dangerous blow which will send an adversary — as ring phrase is—" to sleep." All our grand sports have become the property of the crowd. The laws of cricket may as well be burnt as regards " bowling " and l.b.w. Football becomes very often— in Haldol Generic Name professional matches— a ruffianly amusement, and dan- gerous for referees. In public school cricket matches sharp practice is unknown, and they play like gentlemen. Dr. Lyttel- ton's object in putting his foot down on rcvengclul boxing will meet the approval of all manly and chivalrous gentlemen. The doctor's name is quite enough, as there is hardly a manly sport in which he and numberless members of his distinguished family have not been experts and living exam- ples of fair play. F. G. County Cricket. QUALIFICATION OF PLAYERS. The decision of the Counties at the meeting at Lord's in December last, that residence as a qualifi- cation is capable of definition for the purposes of County Cricket, will probably add considerably to the difficulties of the Committee appointed to revise the rules, and if they regard this decision as a firm instruction, they may find themselves engaged in the parti- cularly unproductive occupation known as ** ploughing the sands." In almost all the schemes submitted to the counties by individual experts, this question of residence seems to have been their difficulty, and in attempting to meet it the tendency has been